Why We Don’t Provide Free Itineraries?

If you are a traveller, you must have come across various travel videos and blogs on the internet. Many people share their travel stories, experiences, and procedures for free. But are all these plans and content practically useful to you? 

Various travel companies and agents share their travel packages online and offline. These packages include prior bookings of transport, hotels, activities, and sometimes even meals. Don’t forget the commissions they keep within these packages. 

So, returning to the main point - Why do we not give away free itineraries? Continue reading to know all the things that set us aside from all travel-related businesses:  

  • Research
  • We are proud to say that we are experts in this aspect. Research is important before planning anything. We never travel without prior research, nor do we let our customers do so. With thousands of travel options, choosing the right one is necessary for a memorable journey. Don’t worry, we got you!

    Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

  • Experience 
  • You will find many travel agents and bloggers describing locations they have never been to. Our Instagram page and this website are proof that we first travel and experience things and then decide what’s best for others. When people approach us, we interact with them to understand what they expect from the trip and then curate a suitable itinerary as per their requisite.

    Photo by Paul Pastourmatzis on Unsplash

  • Time
  • Time is money, my friend! We provide a good service and spend a genuine amount of time on that. Everyone has different needs, so we research and pick routes differently for each one. Also, think about the time you will save by buying from us! You can utilize that time to plan and work on something else, maybe go shopping for your trip. 

    Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

  • Customization 
  • Customization in travel??? Yes, that’s possible with us. As mentioned earlier, we plan differently for different customers according to their needs. Apart from the various pre-made itineraries available on our website, we provide an option for customization. Just get on a call with us and explain what you are looking forward to, and we will show you the way! 


  • Flexibility
  • Did we tell you that you can buy and keep those itineraries for as long as you like? You cannot do that with a travel company package. Once the bookings are done, you have to go! Not here. As we do not make any bookings for you, you are free to make them whenever you want. There is no fear of last-minute emergencies and cancellations. After all, our itineraries are a travel plan for your desired destination, not a mandatory commitment you cannot back out from. 

    Photo by Leio McLaren on Unsplash

    So, how do you feel about us now? DIY Itinerary is the world’s first and one-of-a-kind startup that helps fellow travellers make wise travelling decisions according to their budget and destination. We charge for the value we provide. We ensure that you make the most of your trip in your limited time and budget with a well-crafted route. 

    Itineraries might still be a new concept, but once it picks up and shows its benefits, you will want one for every trip! So, don’t just sit there reading this article; buy one for your next trip and feel the ease and clarity it provides. Happy travelling!

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